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"The Great Pacific Garbage Patch can be Cleaned for $7.5 Billion"
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"U.S. health costs related to chemicals in plastics reached $250 billion in 2018"
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"KAIST introduces eco-friendly technologies for plastic production and biodegradation"
Publié sur KAIST, le 11/12/2023
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"Bisphenol A in food is a health risk"
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"Coastal species found living on high seas because of plastic debris"
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"Des repas imprimés en 3D à base de déchets plastiques pour se nourrir dans l’espace"
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"Microplastics found in human breast milk for the first time"
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"Four questions for Desiree LaBeaud"
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"From Waste to Wind imprime en 3D des éoliennes à partir de plastique recyclé"
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"Reusable plastic bottles release hundreds of chemicals"