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"Case Western Reserve University researchers develop new method of DNA testing—expanding scientific innovation"
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"This Theater Group Is Taking Entire Audiences into Mixed Reality with Networked HoloLens Headsets"
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"Super Resolution Imaging Helps Determine a Stem Cell’s Future"
Tags : bioingénierie, biomédecine, Case Western Reserve University, cellules souches, collaboration scientifique, imagerie médicale, médecine, MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, Princeton University, R&D, Rutgers University, santé, Seoul National University, thérapie, University of Akron, US National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
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"Northern Ohio institutions become laboratories for future energy usage"
Tags : Case Western Reserve University, collaboration scientifique, consommation énergétique, Eaton Corp, énergies renouvelables, financement de la recherche, FirstEnergy, Johnson Controls, NASA, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, partenariat public-privé, production d'énergie, projet de recherche, R&D, Siemens, University of Toledo, US Department of Energy
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"Unraveling how a brain works, block by high-tech block"
Tags : analyse comportementale, capteurs, Case Western Reserve University, cognition, ingénierie, médecine, neurosciences, psychologie cognitive, R&D, résolution de problèmes, santé, US National Science Foundation
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"Dry adhesive holds in extreme cold, strengthens in extreme heat"
Tags : adhésif, aérospatiale, bioinspiration, biomimétisme, Case Western Reserve University, Chine, Dayton Air Force Research Laboratory, exploration spatiale, gecko, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ingénierie, nanotechnologies, R&D, sciences de la matière, USA
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"One-step Fabrication Method Produces Nanofibers Ideal for Energy Storage"
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"Des voitures électriques solaires grâce à la pérovskite ?"
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"Une interface neuronale confère le sens du toucher à une prothèse"