University of British Columbia

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8 article(s) correspondant(s)
Il y a 6 années
"Smartphone health apps miss some daily activity of users"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 06/12/2017
Il y a 7 années
"Computer scientists put some skin in the game of visual effects"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 03/05/2017
Il y a 7 années
"UBC invention uses bacteria to purify water"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 04/04/2017
Il y a 7 années
"Tiny magnetic implant offers new drug delivery method"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 14/02/2017
Il y a 7 années
"Wastewater research may help protect aquatic life"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 21/11/2016
Il y a 7 années
"UBC research offers faster way to confirm safety of oil and gas pipelines"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 18/10/2016
Il y a 7 années
"Future fisheries can expect $10-billion revenue loss due to climate change"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 07/09/2016
Il y a 9 années
"Life in Earth’s primordial sea was starved for sulfate"
Publié sur University of British Columbia, le 06/11/2014